Whether good or bad, major life events have the ability to turn an individual's life completely upside down. Some events, such as health emergencies, may come completely out of the blue. Other situations, such as divorce and issues related to dissolving a marriage can be anticipated at times. The better educated you are about the dissolution process, the better you will be able to navigate with a level head what can be troubled waters.
The value of a prenuptial in any marriage
Marriage is more than an agreement between two people to pronounce their love and share their lives. It is also a legal partnership that comes with certain responsibilities and rights. This is why more people in Minnesota and around the country are requesting prenuptial agreements in order to safeguard their separate property in the event of a subsequent divorce. Various age groups also have differing views on these legally binding contracts.
Social media may affect your divorce
Minnesota residents know social media has become a way for individuals to interact and share their thoughts and life events. Emotional outbursts while going through a divorce might best be left to less public communication methods. Speaking openly about the dissolution of a marriage may be used in court. Posts on Facebook remain even if deleted if someone else copies the post before it is gone.
Staying financially secure after divorce
Divorce can be a difficult process for people. Most want to be financially secure after a divorce, especially when they only have themselves to count on. Taking a few financial steps in preparing for a Divorce can make the process much easier.
State law requires class for parents before they can divorce
In Minnesota, many people in troubled marriages turn to counseling to try to solve the problems in their relationship. Counseling works for a lot of couples, but others find that their troubles are too much to overcome. So they get divorced.
French divorce judge rules that Internet flirting is infidelity
A long time ago, married people who wanted to divorce had to provide the court with a cause, such as infidelity. Today, no-fault divorce is the law in Minnesota. This means that you may file for divorce simply because you no longer wish to be married to your husband or wife.
U of M researcher says divorce among older Americans is way up
It may seem like once a marriage reaches a certain length, the couple is going to stay together until one spouse passes away. But new research from the University of Minnesota into divorce rates suggests that as Baby Boomers get into their 60s, they are divorcing at surprisingly high rates.
If you're thinking about divorce, smartphone apps can help
Considering divorce? Want some advice on whether to proceed? One can turn to friends or family members who have been through it for their advice. Books and magazine articles may also provide insight. And, it should not be a surprise to learn, your smartphone may also be able to help.
Planning key for divorcing baby boomers in Minnesota
Couples of all ages continue to get divorced in Minnesota. However, couples over the age of 50 are more likely to get divorced in the state and throughout the country compared to younger couples.
What does it mean to go through a litigated divorce?
Although a person might know that divorce is the right option for his or her family, it may not be exactly clear what the divorce process entails. On a very basic level, couples separate their lives that have become entwined over the course of a marriage. This process includes dividing finances and determining how parenting arrangements will shake out, if children are involved in the split.