Spousal maintenance is one of the more imprecise matters that can surface in a Minnesota divorce. There are a lot of reasons for this. For one thing, unlike child support which is typically calculated under specific rules, there are no legal guidelines for spousal support -- or what was once commonly called alimony.
Considering divorce and taking action are different things
In the work world, some organizational leaders promote worker engagement by stressing certain key messages. Often included among them are: There is no such thing as a dumb question; and "It's easier to answer a question than to fix an error caused by misunderstanding."
What are the criteria to receive spousal maintenance?
When a couple divorces in Stillwater, there is the possibility that one spouse will receive alimony from the other. According to the law, there are numerous justifications for one spouse to pay and the other to receive spousal maintenance. The reasons for spousal maintenance are based on property and ability to self support. Also important is the duration of the payments, whether it will be permanent or have a predetermined end and if a private agreement between the parties can be reached.
Understanding issues regarding permanent alimony
A common concern for people in Minnesota who are choosing to get a divorce is how much spousal maintenance - if any - they will have to pay or will receive. Often, one spouse provides the support during the marriage and when a marriage ends, the other spouse will have a limited set of skills to get a job. They may also have other responsibilities such as children that make it impossible to function without enough alimony to pay for everything.
Adequate spousal maintenance in a divorce requires legal help
When a marriage fails in Minnesota, it's a disappointing and sad time for all parties involved. Whether the marriage extended over many decades or was short-lived, there's a sense of loss that the marriage simply didn't work out for one reason or another. If there are children involved, the series of issues can grow contentious and difficult. Even if there were no children as part of the marriage, a frequent dispute that arises has to do with alimony -- how much should be paid and for how long.
Man arrested for failing to pay spousal maintenance
There are many concerns for a divorcing couple in Stillwater. In some instances, there are significant assets, children whose future living arrangements have to be determined and how much spousal maintenance will be paid. Alimony is frequently in dispute when there is a divorce. The amount of money that will be paid is often disagreed upon and, in some instances, the payer fails to keep up with the payments.
Spousal maintenance increasingly gender-blind
There are multiple types of financial payments that might be ordered in a divorce decree. One type is child support, while another is spousal maintenance. Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is a payment that one spouse makes to the other spouse for the benefit or care of that spouse. While traditionally, alimony was paid to ex-wives, Minnesota readers may find it interesting to learn more and more men are receiving spousal maintenance than ever before.
Discharging spousal support in bankruptcy
When couples divorce, it is not uncommon for the spouse with a higher income to pay the other spouse alimony or spousal support. For readers who are unfamiliar with the term, alimony is a financial obligation that a court can require in the divorce decree to help provide assistance to the spouse with lesser means. In Minnesota, the court refers to it as spousal maintenance. While most people are familiar with the basics of spousal maintenance, what some people may not know is that it is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
Ignoring alimony order can be bad for your pocketbook
Alimony is often a contentious subject in divorce. Nevertheless, if the divorce settlement agreement or court order states that one party is required to pay spousal maintenance to the other party, it is important that the payee comply with the order. Individuals who choose to take the law into their own hands can find themselves in serious trouble. Minnesota readers may find the following blog on modifying alimony awards interesting.
Permanent alimony and post-divorce agreement modifications
Alimony or spousal maintenance is often one of the most contentiously debated issues in divorce. In fact, a number of states have begun debating alimony in light of changing times. At the center of many of the debates is permanent alimony. Permanent alimony refers to spousal maintenance that continues for the life of the recipient. Minnesota readers may find the following article on spousal maintenance interesting.