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Posts tagged "legal custody"

Child custody and the presumption of shared parenting

When parents divorce in Minnesota, each parent is entitled to 25 percent custody and time with their child, so long as the parents are deemed mentally fit and safe. The court divides the remaining 50 percent if parents are unable to reach their own agreement. In recent years, however, some groups have started a push to amend these rules to require a more even presumption, commonly known as shared parenting.

Managing child custody disputes during the holidays

The holidays can be stressful for divorced parents. Even when child custody matters such as legal custody and physical custody have been settled, it is not uncommon for disputes over parenting time and visitation rights to come up. This is especially true during the holiday season when conflict between couples is often heightened. Fortunately, conflict related to child custody can be avoided. Minnesota readers may find the following advice on parenting time planning during the holiday season helpful.

Father's rights and changing trends in custody

When parents divorce child custody is usually a central issue. In every child custody case, the court must assign both physical custody rights and legal custody rights. In most child custody cases, parents receive joint legal custody of their children. This means that both parents have a voice over how a child is raised. Physical custody, however, is generally assigned to one parent, while the other parent receives visitation rights.

Protecting parental interests in child custody disputes

Negotiating child custody agreements can be difficult, especially when geography is an issue. Even in the best situations couples disagree on visitation rights and parenting plans, imagine how difficult this can be if one spouse decides to relocate. Nevertheless an agreement must be made, and that is where the aid of an experienced family law attorney and a strong understanding of the family courts are essential.

The role of terminology in child custody disputes

Child custody disputes can be complicated. Too often parents get hung up on the wrong issues. The legal terminology in Minnesota child custody cases can be misleading. Terms like "custodial parent" can leave parents with the false impression that one party has a larger role in the child's life than the other. Rather than focusing on such side issues, the focus should really be on parenting time and visitation rights.

Child custody and the changing demographics of marriage

Not long ago it was presumed, if not guaranteed, that mothers got the children in a divorce and fathers paid child support and alimony. Over the last 50 years, however, the make up of the modern American family has changed dramatically. For example, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics about 71 percent of mothers are members of the workforce and approximately 30 percent out earn their husbands.