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Posts tagged "parenting time"

Considering divorce? Proposed legislation may impact the way you learn about the dissolution process

Whether good or bad, major life events have the ability to turn an individual's life completely upside down. Some events, such as health emergencies, may come completely out of the blue. Other situations, such as divorce and issues related to dissolving a marriage can be anticipated at times. The better educated you are about the dissolution process, the better you will be able to navigate with a level head what can be troubled waters.

Proper legal advice is a key in child custody cases

For couples in Minnesota, divorce is one of the most emotional and difficult things they will even face. It's made even harder when there are children involved. Because most parents will want to spend as much time with the children as possible, there are frequent disputes regarding child custody, visitation rights and other issues. While the best case scenario has the parents working together to avoid conflicts and a long battle, that isn't always possible.

What are dos and don'ts when denied parenting time?

Divorce in Minnesota is difficult enough when it's just a couple who decides that they can't stay together and chooses to part ways. When there are children involved, it's not a matter of separating the bank accounts, dividing up the property and moving on. There will be a lifelong link between the parents when they share a child. The best case scenario is for the parents to act civilly toward one another in the best interests of the child. That, however, is not always possible. In some instances, the parent who was granted child custody prevents the other parent from having parenting time. There are strategies that a parent should consider before undertaking a protracted legal fight.

How does divorce affect child custody in Minnesota?

When people in Minnesota choose to end their marriage, one of the most common and heart-wrenching issues they have to deal with has to do with child custody. There is a great deal of emotions and confusion when it comes to where the children will live, how the visitation rights will be organized and what the allocation of parenting time will be. The fear that many parents harbor can be assuaged by gathering accurate and relevant information as to how the law in Minnesota views child custody.

Understanding child custody issues in a divorce

When a couple in Stillwater, Minnesota chooses to get a divorce and there are children involved, one of the most frequent disagreements that arises has to do with child custody. Make no mistake about it, children are a hot button issue, especially when both parents want to have the child living with them for the majority of the time. Other problems that could come up have to do with child support and parenting time. It is imperative that parents who are embroiled in a divorce know how to make sure their rights are accounted for while the children's best interests are at the forefront.

Fathers increasingly trying to gain legal custody of children

In Washington, when there is a child custody dispute, one of the concerns that often arises has to do with the visitation rights of the father and gaining physical custody. While the ideal resolution is to have parenting time organized in such a way that it is satisfactory to both parents, there are times when a father doesn't feel that the amount of time allocated is enough and he will strive to receive custody on a full-time basis.

Parents sharing legal custody in dispute over mother's relocation

When a Washington couple shares a child and they go their separate ways, there are many issues that must be settled. In some instances, the couple is able to come to a reasonable agreement when it comes to legal custody, visitation rights and parenting time. In others, there are disagreements every step of the way. Because child custody is such a sensitive issue for everyone involved, the parents need to do everything they can to make the situation as smooth as possible, even if they're not able to come to a consensus.

Legal custody of 3-year-old in dispute as mother flees country

For parents in Stillwater, the decision to separate is a difficult one whether they're married or not. In some circumstances when the couple has a child, however, it is best for both parties to part ways. When this happens, legal custody and parenting time can come into dispute. With a sensitive issue such as child custody, the issues can turn contentious and often leads parents to do things that they normally wouldn't do in an attempt to deny the other parent visitation rights.

Child custody and college tuition -- what parents should know

The end of a relationship can be stressful for any Minnesota couple. When that couple has children, the stress can be multiplied. With all the child custody decisions that have to be made it can be easy for couples to forget about the future. While the children may be young now, it won't be long before they are ready to head off to college. As most Minnesotans know, college is expensive and many parents do not want to saddle their children with the entire amount.

Child custody and the presumption of shared parenting

When parents divorce in Minnesota, each parent is entitled to 25 percent custody and time with their child, so long as the parents are deemed mentally fit and safe. The court divides the remaining 50 percent if parents are unable to reach their own agreement. In recent years, however, some groups have started a push to amend these rules to require a more even presumption, commonly known as shared parenting.