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Will Gywneth Paltrow's divorce be collaborative?

The news that actress Gywneth Paltrow and her husband, rock star Chris Martin, are getting a divorce has spread across gossip websites and other media sources around the country since it was announced late in March. Though celebrity divorces are nothing new, one possibly noteworthy thing about this one is that the couple claims their split is free of bitterness, anger, and other negative emotions often experienced during a divorce.

In a post on Paltrow’s website, the couple of more than 10 years described their separation as a “conscious uncoupling.” They said that they would also be family. “[I]n many ways we are closer than we have ever been,” the statement said.

Is collaborative divorce possible? Or must divorce be a competition between the spouses, with possible “winners” and “losers”?

For many couples, collaborative divorce is an option. If they are able to remain cordial, and keep most of their emotions out of it, alternatives exist in Minnesota to the traditional negotiations and/or trial procedure.

Instead, the parties work out important issues with the help of a collaborative judge. Even if they do not agree on every issue, if they are respectful and creative, they can avoid court and reach a satisfactory result that both parties helped to reach.

Every case is unique, so what may work for one divorcing couple will not work for all of them. In a contentious case, it may be necessary to go to court to fight for what you are entitled to, such as an equitable share of the marital assets and child custody rights.

Source: WCCO-TV, “Good Question: Is There A Healthy Way To Divorce?” Heather Brown, March 26, 2014

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